Tough Defense For Embezzlement Charges

Are you being investigated for embezzlement? Have you been charged? If you answered yes to either one of these, you are dealing with a high-level theft crime that comes with very harsh penalties. This is why you need to contact a Minneapolis embezzlement attorney as soon as possible so work can immediately begin on your case. The sooner work begins, the stronger your case can be.

Jennifer Speas is a criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in theft cases of all types. She has helped clients throughout Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the entire Twin Cities obtain the best possible results in their embezzlement cases.

Dedicated To The Best Defense

Embezzlement cases can be challenging. For you to make sure that you have the toughest defense, it is a must that your theft defense lawyer is someone who can put forth the effort to understand every facet of your case. Jennifer Speas will work diligently on your behalf. She is the powerful advocate that you want in your corner because she leaves no stone unturned.

Jennifer uses all resources necessary to make sure a strong defense is built for you. Embezzlement can come with very strict penalties if convicted. The goal is to avoid conviction or to reduce the charge so the penalties aren’t as severe. It is about securing the fairest possible outcome, which will allow you to move on with your life much sooner.


Even when there is merit to the charges, it is possible to achieve an outcome that is much better than the maximum penalties.

Types Of Embezzlement

There are many types of embezzlement, but some of the most frequent include:

Dedicated To You And Your Future

Because embezzlement involves the misappropriation of funds, it is considered a white collar crime. It’s typically an act that occurs in a place of employment. There is a lot to prove in such cases, making it possible for a person to be falsely accused. No matter what led to the embezzlement accusation, Jennifer Speas is a Minneapolis embezzlement attorney who will find out what happened, why it happened, and how to secure the best result for you.

Contact A Minneapolis Embezzlement Attorney

Embezzlement can be charged at the federal level, which is why you need a criminal defense attorney who is experienced in defending clients in federal cases. If you are being investigated for embezzlement or you have been charged, you don’t have to face the charges alone. You can have a competent attorney on your side helping you from start to finish. To learn more about your rights and options, call the Speas Law Firm, P.A., at 612-284-1463 to request a initial consultation.